For the last decade, the heart of CTL’s work has been applying emerging research from the...
CTL 10th Anniversary 25th of November
Background of CTL We are pleased to announce the 10th business anniversary of CTL coming up...
(Norwegian) Hvordan lykkes med bevissthetstrening?
Et av CTLs hovedområder er kompetanseutvikling drevet av selvinnsikt, refleksjon og...
MindShift “Growth that Matters” Leadership Research
The MindShift conference this year ( focuses on “Growth that...
A Key Distinction in Adult Development
Most leader’s introduction to the field of adult development comes through an assessment or model...
Join Mindshift 2020!
On November 20th, 2020, MindShift will host a second online event, featuring top speakers in the...
Welcome to CTL
Welcome to the Center for Transformative Leadership. Our online home is designed to help you find...
5 Tips til psykologisk trygghet i virtuelle arbeidsgrupper
Brå overgang til nettbasert kommunikasjon? For mange har overgangen til digitale løsninger på...
Navigating through Complexity
Sensemaking has evolved as a growing movement over recent decades as a way of understanding the...
Gratis seminar (2 timer): August Turak
Flytt fokus fra inntjening til det å levere verdi August Turak er en erfaren leder og forfatter,...