New Introductory Course in Skill Development Learning how to learn is rapidly becoming a key...
Course in Skill Development
Introductory course in skill development Do you want to improve your skillfulness at:● Building...
CTL 10th Anniversary 25th of November
Background of CTL We are pleased to announce the 10th business anniversary of CTL coming up...
Join Mindshift 2020!
On November 20th, 2020, MindShift will host a second online event, featuring top speakers in the...
Gratis seminar (2 timer): August Turak
Flytt fokus fra inntjening til det å levere verdi August Turak er en erfaren leder og forfatter,...
Creating successful corporate cultures
August Turak har gjennom sin karriere demonstrert hvordan det å være autentisk og raus mot andre...
Seminar: Endringsmotstand – og hvordan overkomme den
I anledning 10-årsjubileum til boken "Immunity to change" av Robert Kegan og Lisa Lahey, inviterer...
Seminar: Accelerating Leadership
Seminar with Clint Fuhs and Jonathan Reams In our new seminar with Clint Fuhs and Jonathan Reams,...
Foundations course in OPO with Bonnitta Roy – February 2018
Open Participation in Organizations (OPO) Core principles and practices for self-managed, high...