Rethink Lab
Leadership for All: Scaling Micro-skill Development
This is a talk I gave in Vencie at the Bridging Dialogs event in June 2023
Looking Ahead
This week I’m concluding my series of blogs to go with the Maturing Leadership series bu looking ahead at hat I see as emerging trends.
10 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Jonathan Reams
Join Scott Allen in conversation with me this time around!
The Problem with Measurement
This week I’m reflecting on the conversation Scott and I had with Jimmy Parker and it took me in a more philosophical discussion of the problem of measurement in human relations.
9 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Jimmy Parker
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with Jimmy Parker.
If I Could Only Think Better
This week I’m reflecting on the conversation Scott and I had with Iva Vurdelja and it took me somewhere interesting..
8 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Iva Vurdelja
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with Iva Vurdelja.
7 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Abigail Lynam and Geoff Fitch
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with Aigail Lynam and Geoff Fitch.
The shadowy depths of development
This week I’m reflecting on the conversation Scott and I had with Abigail Lynam and Geoff Fitch.
New Course in Skill Development
Registration is open for our 4-week course Introduction to Skill Development.
6 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Aiden Harney
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with Aiden Harney.
Curiosity and Acting to Learn
This weeks installment of my new practice of blog writing takes off from Scott Allen and my...
5 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with David McCallum
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with David McCallum.
Learning Developmental Nuance
This week’s blog is inspired by the conversation Scott and I had with David McCallum.
Navigating the Both And Reality
This week’s blog is inspired by the conversation Scott and I had with Chuck Palus and John McGuire on Navigating the Both And Reality.
4 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Chuck Palus and John McGuire
Join Scott Allen and myself in conversation with Chuch Palus and John McGuire about polarities.
Trust and Mindset
Continuing my new writing practice, here is a short reflection inspired by the podcast conversation Scott Allen and I had with Harriette Rassmussen and Mohammed Raei on trust.
3 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series with Harriette Rasmussen and Mohammed Raei
Join Scott Allen and myself in this rich exploration with Harriette Rassmussen and Mohammed Raei of trust and many of the factors that impact it.
2 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series Marianne Roux “There’s more to it”
Tune in to the second episode of the Maturing Leadership Podcast series with Scott Allen and Jonathan Reams where they talk with Marianne Roux.
Invisible Complexity
I’m aiming to develop my writing practice by doing a series of short blogs on each of the interviews Scott and I did for his Phronesis podcast. The first one is on Marianne Roux’s episode. We titled it There’s more to it.
The Ongoing Growing and Pruning of Neural Networks
Reflections and insight from the new podcast series of ten episodes, featuring most of the contributors to the book, Maturing Leadership. A project that sits within a larger context of a growing community of researchers, practitioners and pracademics engaging in conversations about leadership, maturity models (i.e. adult development), and how they relate.
1 of 10 Maturing Leadership Podcast Series “Adult Development and Leadership: A Primer”
Tune in to the first episode of the Maturing Leadership Podcast series with Scott Allen and Jonathan Reams.
“I have nothing to learn from other people”
Et av CTLs hovedområder er kompetanseutvikling drevet av selvinnsikt, refleksjon og bevisstggjøring. En måte å trene egen bevissthet på er utforskning av skjulte bias og etablerte sannheter. En ny studie (Sukhera, Watling & Gonzalez, 2020) viser derimot at korte en-gangs intervensjoner med et slikt formål ikke kan vise til nevneverdige langtidseffekter.
Course in Skill Development
Introductory course in skill development Do you want to improve your skillfulness at:● Building...
The Journey Ahead
Et av CTLs hovedområder er kompetanseutvikling drevet av selvinnsikt, refleksjon og bevisstggjøring. En måte å trene egen bevissthet på er utforskning av skjulte bias og etablerte sannheter. En ny studie (Sukhera, Watling & Gonzalez, 2020) viser derimot at korte en-gangs intervensjoner med et slikt formål ikke kan vise til nevneverdige langtidseffekter.
CTL 10th Anniversary 25th of November
Background of CTL We are pleased to announce the 10th business anniversary of CTL coming up...
(Norwegian) Hvordan lykkes med bevissthetstrening?
Et av CTLs hovedområder er kompetanseutvikling drevet av selvinnsikt, refleksjon og bevisstggjøring. En måte å trene egen bevissthet på er utforskning av skjulte bias og etablerte sannheter. En ny studie (Sukhera, Watling & Gonzalez, 2020) viser derimot at korte en-gangs intervensjoner med et slikt formål ikke kan vise til nevneverdige langtidseffekter.
MindShift “Growth that Matters” Leadership Research
The MindShift conference this year ( focuses on “Growth that...
A Key Distinction in Adult Development
Most leader’s introduction to the field of adult development comes through an assessment or model aiming to enhance their leadership behaviors to become more effective. In this article, Jonathan lays out two important traditions in the field of adult development and describes a key distinction between them.
Join Mindshift 2020!
On November 20th, 2020, MindShift will host a second online event, featuring top speakers in the field of adult development. CTL’s very own Jonathan Reams will be hosting a stream in the morning.
Welcome to CTL
Welcome to the Center for Transformative Leadership. Our online home is designed to help you find resources to support your own, your teams’ and your organization’s leadership development, skills training and research needs..
5 Tips til psykologisk trygghet i virtuelle arbeidsgrupper
Brå overgang til nettbasert kommunikasjon? For mange har overgangen til digitale løsninger på...
Navigating through Complexity
Sensemaking has evolved as a growing movement over recent decades as a way of understanding the...
Gratis seminar (2 timer): August Turak
Flytt fokus fra inntjening til det å levere verdi August Turak er en erfaren leder og forfatter,...
Creating successful corporate cultures
August Turak har gjennom sin karriere demonstrert hvordan det å være autentisk og raus mot andre...
Seminar: Endringsmotstand – og hvordan overkomme den
I anledning 10-årsjubileum til boken "Immunity to change" av Robert Kegan og Lisa Lahey, inviterer...
Seminar: Accelerating Leadership
Seminar with Clint Fuhs and Jonathan Reams In our new seminar with Clint Fuhs and Jonathan Reams,...
Large-scale leadership development program
Cooperation between CTL and Trondheim Municipality attracts attention internationally Trondheim...
Foundations course in OPO with Bonnitta Roy – February 2018
Open Participation in Organizations (OPO) Core principles and practices for self-managed, high...
Lederskapsutvikling med varig effekt i Atmel
Atmel Norge er en av verdens ledende bedrifter innen utvikling av mikroprosessorer. De er også...
Lederskapsutvikling med varig effekt i Atmel (
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